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Monday, January 23, 2012

Expect The City To Provide A Letter Of Apology

You can expect the City of Salisbury to provide a formal letter of apology to Councilman Tim Spies. Mind you, you might only see that Press Release here because, well, you know, that would mean the rest of the Press would have to apologize as well.


  1. The DT should give equal space to setting the record straight. Gannett, I hope that you see this. No fact checking was done. How do you justify the actions of Bassett, Lake and the bunch over there. This is not a "news"paper. It is a political propaganda piece.

  2. I'll believe it when I see it. And if there ever is a letter of apology I will bet it will not be signed by the mayor.

  3. That apology should be front page, just like the smear article. These vultures have circled overhead overtime in their attempts to ruin the reputations of three members of council on personal stuff.

    Laura Mitchell is leading that charge, along with Shanie Shields and Jim Ireton! SHAME! SHAME!


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