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Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Daily Times Own Poll Clearly Shows They Inserted Foot In Mouth On Bennett Middle School

Did the Wicomico County Council make the right call on Bennett Middle School?

Absolutely yes. We can't afford a new school. 31.6%

Maybe, but I don't feel good about it. 57.9%

They could have tried harder to get it done. 2.6%

They should have written the letter of support. 7.9%

Look, when you create your own Poll Question, be careful what you wish for. IF the Daily Times had only listened to what the public was saying in the first place they might have realized the citizens are fed up with their phony BS. Just because YOU, (DT's) say you want something doesn't mean the public wants the same thing.

The Daily Times is in bed with special interests and will spew whatever it takes to hopefully influence politicians to make moves they shouldn't. Now that Salisbury News is around there is at least ONE honorable source who can and will challenge those special interests and the Main Stream Media.

No doubt those special interests will be racing to the Daily Times in the hopes of changing these results but let me assure you, the numbers above are 100% real as of 2:00 PM today.

The citizens are speaking loud and clear. Keep up the good work and do NOT be afraid to voice your opinion.


  1. The poll results make The Daily Times look like fools.

    This just goes to show and helps to prove how biased this media is.

    The Daily Times really has become of the laughing stock of the easternshore. Shame on you Daily Times.

  2. 40 votes, 90% that the council did the right thing! 40 votes! Popular rag? or a paper to ignore?

  3. The Daily Times has become so liberal that it makes Jimmy Carter look like a Saint. I do not believe anybody takes that media seriously any longer. It flat-out is not a credible and reliable source of information.

  4. 40 readers! Wooo Hooo!

  5. I have to admit - The DT has become a running joke.

  6. I wish to thank the County Council members for voting against this major capital improvement. I do not believe that any of the council members are against the construction of a new school - but at this time it seems ludicrous and financially irresponsible.

    Thanks again Council members.

  7. Loved the comment by Karen Dunn, oh no it was really Mike Dunn using his wifes facebook--bashiing the County Council persons who "dropped out of high school" Real classy there Mr. Dunn. Almost as classy as you throwing paper flyer at an elderly woman. A diploma doesn't equate to good common business sense you moron.

  8. The Daily Times is full of vampires


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