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Friday, January 27, 2012

Breaking Up The Western World

Isn't it just as likely that Britain will hit the rocks and break up? ... In the period immediately after the Costa Concordia hit a rock off the coast of Tuscany, the behaviour of the passengers and crew has given us all sorts of insights into the eternal glories and failings of human nature.
Perhaps the most symbolically pregnant gesture took place in the dining room. When the crockery started to slide from the tables, as the ship began to list, the waiters just picked it up and put it back. "It is nothing!" they said soothingly. "It is an electrical fault. Tutto va bene and what would madame like for the antipasto?"... I am like the Concordia waiters, in that I can't really believe, somehow, that we can be set on a course for destruction. But look at the facts, my friends. Look at that submerged reef marked "devo max", or fiscal independence for Scotland. If you can unpick the fiscal union, what is there to maintain the monetary union? And if you unpick monetary union — as George Osborne rightly points out — then political union is dead ... That is the nature of slo-mo disasters: they can change very quickly, from being an outlandish theoretical possibility to a predestined inevitability. – Boris Johnson, UK Telegraph

Dominant Social Theme: Things fall apart. The center cannot hold.

Free-Market Analysis: The Telegraph's Boris Johnson has written an interesting article on the potential break-up of Britain, comparing it to the unexpected Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster.

In a sense this article by Johnson is part of a larger power elite dominant social theme, in our view. The rhetoric of fear-based promotions by various Anglosphere mouthpieces has grown a good deal more shrill of late.

We pointed out just yesterday that George Soros is predicting significant unrest in the United States. His vehicle of choice is Occupy Wall Street and, according to a reporter, he sounded almost gleeful about the prospect.

From our point of view, Soros is a power elite operative, doing the bidding of that select group of powerful families who control the world's central banks and are trying to set up one-world government.


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