The Wicomico County Council will be holding a special meeting tomorrow to discuss Bennett Middle School again.
It turns out the Board of Education has finally come through with financial information the Council had asked for numerous times in the past and the BOE simply didn't deliver it.
Based on these new figures, Bennett Middle School could be back on the table, time will tell.
One thing is for sure, the County Council is being more than fair by requesting this new meeting and no one can ever say they are one sided. They will discuss this new finding and perhaps take another vote.
It turns out the Board of Education has finally come through with financial information the Council had asked for numerous times in the past and the BOE simply didn't deliver it.
Based on these new figures, Bennett Middle School could be back on the table, time will tell.
One thing is for sure, the County Council is being more than fair by requesting this new meeting and no one can ever say they are one sided. They will discuss this new finding and perhaps take another vote.
Original Post 9:52 AM.
New Posts to fall below.
Let's Build this school for the entire community. The kids deserve it!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf the Board has been asked for information, it should have given it when asked. Certainly it should have been provided for last Tuesday's meeting. Why go thru this again?
ReplyDeleteThat's good news. I hope that, if the Council votes again, the outcome is different. I also hope that the vote is unanimous, or at least 6-1. It's a shame to have a 4-3 vote, essentially meaning that a much-needed school is being held up by one vote. We have GOT to find the money and get that school built! Time is of the essence.
ReplyDeleteReject it cuts have to made cuts hurt DEAL WITH IT!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Board answers what it wants, when it wants and in as little detail as possible. It doesn't matter if a parent is asking or the Council is asking. If they can take six months to give one piece of information, they'll take it.
ReplyDelete10:25 how does builing a new bennett middle school benefit the entire community?? there are a whole lot of elementary schools in worst shape.
ReplyDeleteWhen and where Joe?
ReplyDeleteI dont think any of the coucil members knew the BPW was going to
ReplyDeleteallocate the 3.85 million to another county or Baltimore City.
I wonder who knew this before the
vote last week??!!!!!
Told you so. This has been a done deal for awhile. The prior Council vote was meaningless drama fro the Council 4 to save face. The DT feature yesterday hit the Council 4 right between the eyes. The school will be built, alot sooner than you think.
ReplyDelete10:52, I know that the BOE knew this. Certainly, the County Council SHOULD have known it. It makes sense that, if there is money available and the Council turns it down (twice), the money is going to go to someone else. It won't stay unclaimed forever. There are other counties who can use the funds.
ReplyDeleteLooks like SBYNews should insert foot in mouth. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteIf we can't afford the school, we can't afford it. Now add part of the teachers' pensions to the county budget and the picture looks worse, not better. The Board took lots of federal Race to the Top money too, but those funds don't cover all of the changes required to comply with RTTT. So we got lots of money and it's costing more than we got. They've learned nothing.
ReplyDeleteMr. Willey has spoken!
ReplyDeletewhat about the new pension plans that will have to be funded 3.5 million PER YEAR?????????????????????????????????
ReplyDeleteanonymous 11:41, LMAO! Just wakit until tomorrow's meeting is over. Don't EVER think I/We aren't several steps ahead of the Daily Times or anyone else for that matter. Especially you, Jonathan.
ReplyDeleteNo money no school. I went to school for twelve years in Wicomico county and graduated from Wi Hi. Never once did one of my schools have air conditioning. And guess what it didn't kill us. On hot days we opened the windows. On cold days we kept them shut. Wicomic Middle School was the high school for years. My dad graduated from there in 1944 and yet they haven't rebuilt that school. Sounds like a waste of taxpayers dollars to me.
ReplyDelete12:54, I wonder if you have air condition in your vehicle. I bet you do; almost everyone does. Back in the era you're talking about--I'm from roughly the same era and did go to what is now Wicomico Middle--we survived because air condition was not available except sometimes at movie theaters. This is a whole different era.
ReplyDeleteI'm a retired teacher. I remember those days of no air condition. I used a black board. We ran off papers with the old ditto machines; we had to use the purpls side twice. Overhead projectors were "the newest" thing then. While I made do with these things, all sorts of new technology has come about, and virtually every building you enter is air-conditioned. Who wants to go back to the era you and I are from. Yes, many who have opinions on this site recall those "good 'ol days" and say that, if we didn't have all this "new-fangled" stuff and if we didn't have air condition, then it's ok for today. See the error of your thinking?
The state $ have already been given to other Western Shore counties. Too little too late....
ReplyDeleteThe BOE is famous for never providing the information people request them to do so. Now they are scambling to provide something. If I were the council, I would look this over very carefully. The Council is doing the BOE a favor by granting them another meeting.
ReplyDeleteI hope the outsome is the same especially now we have the Pensions on the line.
Sounds like the raw deal BOE gave the city council on Only Bateman. Why is it that every time the BOE is involved in something, there has to be high school drama (pun intended)?
ReplyDeleteI’m sorry but this school is not going to do anymore to fix the true problem! That is that children are not properly raised to begin with, we have a 20 years of Children having Children. That is the root of the problem! In my eyes....No school, teacher, computer or spending is going to replace the parental supervision and commitment in the home! Now All of you TEACHERS out there say I’m wrong! More than any School, Computer, or Money, Tell me you WOULD NOT RATHER HAVE 31 concerned parents in your class room! Kids today are for the majority punks and lazy, looking for hand outs, and the next party they can get to….but what else should we expect? When that’s what they have been brought up in. If we had 31 parents that showed up to PTA meetings and attended teacher meetings our test scores would be thru the roof……I am not saying that they don’t need a new school but , 100 million dollars is not going to solve the real problem….everyone claims that “business will come if the schools are good” I beg to differ….business will go where they can make money…..and not spend it on Taxes….
ReplyDeletehey, retired teacher, i went to school with no A/C and I am only 31. That means in the 90s. I drive jeep wranglers (2 actually) and neither have AC. The car argument is WEAK. and so is the idea that the old days suck and being progressive (aka. FRIVOLOUS MONEY SPENDING) has not improved our children or our society one bit. Society has degraded in the last 30 years, and there is no way you can argue otherwise. Progess is not the answer, neither is a 1/10 of a billion dollar school.