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Monday, January 02, 2012

Apocalypse Not Now: 2012 Doomsday Predictions Debunked By NASA

On Dec. 21, 2012, many doomsday believers fear the apocalypse — anything from a rogue planet smashing into us to our world spinning end over end. However, the world should expect nothing more next year than the winter solstice, the longest night of the year, NASA says.



  1. But NASA has no control of what God does.

  2. If the Mayans could predict the future why weren't they able to predict their own demise?

  3. I for one appreciate this positive news from NASA.Unless I've missed something,virtually every doomsday prediction is based on the abrupt ending of the Mayan calendar.1:41-I respect the fact that god has total control,but I have'nt found any biblical reference to 2012,good or bad.

  4. Wow. NASA now knows the future? I know they have some really smart guys, but even the smartest astronomers will tell you that we may have just a few days notice if we are on a collision course with an asteroid. Me thinks they are reaching here just a bit with the "everythings gonna be all right" press releases....

  5. i agree with Jan 2 1:41 pm God is the one in control


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