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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Aloha On Your Dime


  1. This absolutely makes me sick just to think what that amount of money could have done to help out the hungry or clothe some children or help someone keep their house.

  2. They, obviously, can get away with ANYTHING!

  3. This is the guy that said we all need to get some skin in the game. The Obamas have no idea what it is like to endure the hardships they have caused us Americans. They have taken more vacations, he has played more golf, and had more parties at the White house than any other President. Even Bush quit playing golf because he couldn't with a good conscious while our boys were fighting overseas. Obviously Obama has to br the worst President we ever had.

  4. How is this a problem if he's paying for it out of his $400,000 salary? Food the president eats at the White House is deducted from that salary, I will be you didn't know that. Same for his business suits.

  5. While the President does pay for his and his families food its highly unlikey with the expense accounts at his disposal he does.

    While the President technically has to pay for his own food, he does have a number of expense accounts that he can use to purchase it. Regardless of who pays, the White House has 5 full time chefs to prepare any sort of meal for the White House staff. In addition, there is a huge collection of vintage wine which is still in stock from when Thomas Jefferson spent more than $10000 purchasing it.

    More Money
    In addition to his salary, the President gets numerous expense accounts including:

    General account ($50000)
    Official expenses of the White House office
    Entertainment expenses
    Separate entertainment expenses for official presidential functions
    Traveling expenses for the president and anyone traveling with him (above and beyond the free limo, helicopter, and airplane rides)
    In addition there is an account designated for "unanticipated needs" which is not to exceed $1 million per year. These unanticipated needs include anything for the furtherance of the national interest, security, or defense, including personnel needs and needs for services. Basically if the President is over-quota for anything listed above, he can dip into this money.

  6. How is this a problem if he's paying for it out of his $400,000 salary? Food the president eats at the White House is deducted from that salary, I will be you didn't know that. Same for his business suits.

    January 24, 2012 8:12 PM

    No offense but I think you are naive.


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