Editor's Note: As we're quickly approaching the end of December, I thought it would be appropriate to republish a few letters from earlier this year. 2011 brought a year of increased printing of fiat currencies around the world.
This selection, from March, combines logic from the U.S. DoJ and the actions of our current Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke. The destruction of currencies is a theme that we'll continue to address as governments cling to power. These next several posts are the core of our expanding community and I know that many readers probably missed some important letters from earlier days.
---------Original Dispatch on March 21, 2011 from Denver, CO---------
The United States Department of Justice delivered a very clear and unfortunate message on Friday:
"Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism. While these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence, they are every bit as insidious and represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country."
Agreed. but are we going to do something about it? I'm ready.