By a vote of 93-7 the Senate this month approved a military appropriations bill empowering the government to designate any U.S. citizen within the country as a terrorist and to have the military hold him indefinitely without trial and without the right to habeas corpus, the right to be brought before a court for a judgment on the legality of one's imprisonment.
In effect the legislation is a declaration of martial law throughout the country.
Who were the 7?
ReplyDeleteThis is a disqusting act and really shows how corrupt our goverment is.
ReplyDeleteThis is in the House now for the money part.
ReplyDeleteI have already e-mailed the House Speaker and told him not to fund it and to vote no.
Everyone needs to e-mail there senators about this in the house!
Obama says he loves President Lincoln and models his Administration after the great President, well, President Lincoln did this exact thing,he had the Maryland legislators arrested and put in jail without the right of Habious Corpus, to prevent them from voting for secession and going with the confederacy. After all, Maryland was a Slave state.
ReplyDeleteAdolf Hitler did this in Germany, Stalin did it in communist Russia, Obama is doing it in the new CHANGEd America that the retarded people voted for!
The Christians will be the ones to go first when Obama takes over. And the world laughed when NWO was first mentioned. Now it's all coming to pass.
ReplyDeleteThis is terrible it is just like the communist. Obama will send his civilian police force to arrest everyone that disagrees with him. He will lock you up and throw away the key. No charges against you , no trial which is against the constitution. He will lock up the Christians and those that stand for the second amendment and anybody else that disagrees with whatever he says. Sounds like Russia or Nazi Germany. What ever happen to the land of the free and home of the brave.
ReplyDelete93-7!? These are the people who raised their right hand and SWORE on a Bible to uphold and defend the Constitution?! They have decided to erase the Bill of Rights and "we, the people" don't have much to say? George Orwell might have missed his year a bit, but he was dead-on with everything else. Anyone catch the story about the people caught in a crime (Montana?) with a DRONE!? We now have drones being used against U.S citizens? DRONES!? What is this? Terminator 4? Anyone else want to dispute that we are in a headlong rush to a full fledged police state where you can just "disappear" at the governments whim?