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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Some Questions That Donald Trump Might Ask

Upon hearing that Donald Trump will interview his fellow neocons at another GOP debate in late December, I recalled that Trump gave the Republican nomination a shot himself in 2000, and of course again briefly in the past year. A quick Web search unearthed quite a few of Trump’s political opinions on topics ranging from civil rights to war. After reading through some of these Trumpisms I thought I’d attempt to anticipate some questions that "The Donald," as he is sometimes called, would ask his fellow neocons who are seeking the Republican nomination. So here goes.

"Mr. Gingrich, when I sought the nomination in 2000 I asked the question, ‘Who else has called for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea?’ Would you agree with me that we should start another war with North Korea?"

"Senator Santorum, when I was running I said that Israel is "our unsinkable Mideast aircraft carrier" that "is there for us." But, well, not exactly. There are no Israeli soldiers fighting side-by-side with "us" in Iraq and Afghanistan. If you become president, would you pressure Israel to supply soldiers for our Mideast wars?"



  1. So it's going to be the Donald questioning Romney? Is anyone else coming to the party? I heard at least 3 have decided it was not worth going to... the three that have good sense!

  2. What if they had a debate and nobody came?


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