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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ron Paul's Support Is Much More Widespread Than Reported

The establishment media and republicans are in a panic that Ron Paul is in a position to win the Iowa caucus, and is gaining momentum in New Hampshire. One of the main strawmen put forth is that Ron Paul has a small but fervent set of supporters, perhaps 1 Million, who take over online polls, and have now realized how to organize on the ground. In other words, the establishment argues that Ron Paul’s apparent popularity is really driven by a small group of Ron Paul fans, rather than being reflective of the majority of voters, and in a real election Ron Paul will be unable to win. Let’s use widely available Internet tools to examine this argument and draw our own conclusions.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and here’s my favorite. It was created using Google Trends, and I invite you to use the tool to replicate what I’ve done here: http://www.google.com/trends (Enter Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney). I changed the default time range to 30 days.



  1. I wonder how many Ron Paul 'supporters' are actually liberals who think he could never beat Obama, so they're trying to get him nominated.

    Remember how we ended up with McCain?? Party-switching during the primaries..

    It's a shame what has happened to the election process, but it really brings out the scum.

  2. Anyone thinking Ron Paul has a serious chance is setting themselves up for a huge dissappoinment. The grown ups really paying attention know a canidate like Ron Paul won't get the backing in D.C. to institute the changes needed. The fact that he appeals to college age voters should tell you something about his and his voters maturity.

  3. The fact that he appeals to college age voters should tell you something about his and his voters maturity.

    December 29, 2011 8:12 PM

    The same ones responsible for the man in the white house now?


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