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Tuesday, December 20, 2011


At 12:20 a.m. today the National Guard in Louisiana was deployed to patrol the streets of New Orleans. They are saying that this is needed due to a recent drastic increae in crime. Remember the last time they were deployed? Law enforcement went door to door removing firearms from law abiding citizens - even beating an elderly lady. Interesting how this is occurring the day after Obama signs into law legislation that permits the military to arest and detain Americans for an indefinite period of time without trial. Here is a video of local New Orleans news coverage of the deployment.


  1. We have to do something to be safe.

  2. Yeah...allow the citizens to protect themselves. Creating a police state isn't the answer.

    One who would trade liberty for security deserves neither.

  3. Just a prelude of things to come , thank you obama for the change.
    Come November during the voting , it will be run by military rule to insure an obama victory. Just watch and see!!

  4. When you gonna start publishing your blog in spanish also? The illegals need the military to protect them , the south has the balls to make laws and obama has to show his power.

  5. Bringing violent criminals to justice....

    No specific crimes ever mentioned here...

  6. City held hostage? by Whom?
    The National Guard!
    Why don't they start rounding up criminal Aliens?

  7. Pretty soon we will all be locked in camps.

  8. The next 12 months will bring about a total collapse of ourthe economy and our constitutional rights

  9. And so it begins...

  10. When you make the laws so liberal and give the majority of rights to the criminal and not the citizens and victims this is what the US comes to.

    Same principle when the Mexicans come to the US we give them rights. Go to Mexico and see what you get.


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