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Monday, December 12, 2011

No More Counting? Michelle Duggar Should Consider Stopping Having Children, Doc Says

Michelle Duggar, star of the hit TLC show “19 Kids & Counting,” announced Thursday that she had suffered a miscarriage of her 20th child. During a routine check-up this week, a doctor was unable to find a heartbeat and told Duggar and her husband Jim Bob that they had miscarried in the second trimester.
According to Dr. Jennifer Landa, Chief Medical Officer of BodyLogicMD, miscarriage is particularly common at Mrs. Duggar’s age: 45.



  1. That has got to be like putting a hotdog into a rain barrel !

  2. I occasionally watched their show years ago...they seemed like good people and I respected the values and ethics they instilled in the kids. That being said, I think at some point it should become obvious that this is a psychological issue with one or both of them, the need to have more children. Pretty disturbing.

  3. But it's gods will she have all these kids.

  4. 3:01 PM, it now looks like God is trying to tell them something - like enough is enough already.

  5. So, 3:25 what you are saying is that God is killing babies so that this woman will stop having babies?

  6. good grief. how can they feed them? much less provide what else they need.


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