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Tuesday, December 06, 2011

NAACP Petitions UN Over 'Massive Voter Suppression'

The largest civil rights group in America, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), is petitioning the UN over what it sees as a concerted effort to disenfranchise black and Latino voters ahead of next year's presidential election.

The organisation will this week present evidence to the UN high commissioner on human rights of what it contends is a conscious attempt to "block the vote" on the part of state legislatures across the US.

Next March the NAACP will send a delegation of legal experts to Geneva to enlist the support of the UN human rights council.

The NAACP contends that the America in the throes of a consciously conceived and orchestrated move to strip black and other ethnic minority groups of the right to vote. William Barber, a member of the association's national board, said it was the "most vicious, co-ordinated and sinister attack to narrow participation in our democracy since the early 20th century".

More here


  1. This country will collapse from within.

  2. And, of course, you have to read the entire article to find out that this "sinister attack" is really some reasonable efforts to curb voter fraud through requiring identification and registration and so on. Oh, and not allowing felons to vote.

  3. just bring your voter registration card & all will be good. w/o it you can't vote...simple. disenfranchise yourself by leaving it home.

  4. Another case of libtard projection.

  5. If the Demacraps can't cheat they can’t win.

  6. No wonder our country has so many problems with race. The NAACP are a promoter of racism. What does the UN have to do with what happens in our country?

  7. 9:14 I wondered about the UN myself.

    Why don't we just use a finger stamp like they do some places overseas? The ink looks like it will stay in place for the duration of the elections.

  8. If it is going to the UN it has to be Bull----! Thats the only issues they can handle. I would bet The Administration is behind this effort. They are beginning to see the writing on the wall! Our current so called prisident needs to be ridden out of town on a rail!


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