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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Iran: Captured U.S. Spy Drone Nearly Decoded

TEHRAN, Iran - Iranian experts are in the final stages of recovering data from the U.S. surveillance drone captured by the country's armed forces, state TV reported Monday.

Tehran has flaunted the capture of the RQ-170 Sentinel, a top-secret aircraft with stealth technology, as a victory for Iran and a defeat for the United States in a complicated intelligence and technological battle.



  1. What a nice present Obama sent his friends.

  2. Ha ha ha, answer me this. How does Obama not deserve credit for killing bin laden, but should deserve blame for the drone loss?

  3. We should detonate a couple nukes over Tehran and let those nasty bastards "decode" that!

  4. As basic as this drone is,Iran should have had it decoded by now.

  5. Thomas Littleton, youre a freaking idiot.


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