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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Holder Threatened With Impeachment, Contempt

Attorney General Eric Holder admitted on Thursday that e-mails from his computer were withheld from a congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious, angering lawmakers who threatened the nation’s top cop with impeachment and contempt charges.

“These are materials we have not and will not produce,” Holder testified during the combative day-long hearing before the House Judiciary Committee.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R.-Calif.) compared Holder to disgraced Attorney General John Mitchell of Watergate infamy, as he threatened to bring contempt charges against him for refusing to divulge the documents.

“Have you no shame?” Holder snapped at Issa, likening the questioning to Sen. Joe McCarthy’s hearings held to expose Communists in the '50s.

Issa criticized Holder for dodging any blame in the operation’s failure, and demanded that everyone implicated in the matter be terminated.

“I have no confidence in a President who has full confidence in an attorney general who has in fact not terminated,” or reprimanded, department officials involved, Issa said.

Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R.-Wis.) suggested impeachment is lawmakers' only remaining option for Holder if he continues to withhold information. Still Holder insisted he knew nothing about Fast and Furious until months after the death of a federal agent.

“The wagons down the street are in a pretty tight circle, Mr. Attorney General,” Sensenbrenner said. “The American people need the truth. They haven’t gotten the truth from what has been coming out of the Justice Department in the last year, and they are relying on Congress to get the truth. The answers that you have given so far, are basically saying somebody else did it.”

“The thing is, if we don’t get to the bottom of this, and that requires your assistance on that, there is only one alternative that Congress has. And it is called impeachment,” Sensenbrenner said.

“I have no intention of resigning,” Holder told the panel.



  1. Holder is inept and extremely arrogant. No surprise though, look who appointed him.

  2. We get it. You don't like obammy. We got it the first 12,087,546 times you posted it. Find some fresh material.


  3. Impeach all their butts to including that Cocain Head Obama!

  4. Holder will resign or be fired as soon as he becomes a liability to the President's re-election bid. It's not at that point, yet.

  5. Like a diaper, politicians should be changed regularly.

    For the same reason, they're full of crap.


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