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Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Defeated, Health Insurers Cut Lobby Costs, Thank You Obamacare!

It turns out that Republicans might be right about health reform costing some jobs. The jobs of health insurance company lobbyists. Aww. From the second to third quarter of this year, the health insurance industry is cutting lobbying budgets.
WellPoint Inc. ( WLP ), the largest health insurer based on membership, spent $870,000 on lobbying in the third quarter, up 9% from the prior-year quarter. However, the cost was down by a substantial 34% from the second quarter of 2011.

The second-largest health insurer based on membership and largest in terms of total revenue, UnitedHealth Group Inc. ( UNH ), also recorded a significant 18% year-over-year hike to $650,000, while it witnessed a sizeable 24% decline from the prior quarter.

Meanwhile, CIGNA Corporation ( CI ), the fourth largest health insurer on the basis of membership, bucked the trend by reducing its lobbying cost by a considerable 34% from the year-agoquarter to $470,000, while the amount was 24% higher than $380,000 spent in the second quarter of 2011.

Humana Inc. ( HUM ), which is the fifth-largest on enrollment basis, recorded a 43% year-over-year and 11% sequential decline in lobbying expenses to $160,000.
Now what could be causing this decline? Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that despite their best efforts,

1 comment:

  1. How does ANY (former, or otherwise) member of Congress (including the current President and other who are TRYING to become President) tell us, with a straight face, that ALL THAT MONEY does NOT influence them or get them to vote in a certain way? And how many Americans STILL think there is a single representative who is squeaky clean??? LOL!!!


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