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Monday, December 19, 2011

Caption This WalMart Photo


  1. I think the sign will confuse those who need it. If there were 2 hands and 1 foot it would be easier to figure out.

  2. That sign won't work, it should have 2 hands and 1 foot. Who has 3 hands to look at?

  3. I guess that is easier than saying it in Spanish!!

  4. Like those who abuse will read the sign. The sign you need is one that says "Abusers will be shot".

    Or how about "This register will charge double for item counts above 15 items".

    But my favortie sign would say, "Express lane maximum of 15 items unless there are not enough cashiers".

  5. If they would program the cash registers to only ring up 15 items people would stop using the wrong aisle. Or they could, you know, actually enforce their own policy.

  6. 8:38 is absolutely correct; most of "people" I see ignoring the limit would only be confused and say something like "that sign is wrong. There are only 3 hands, NOT fifteen!" Most abusers are genuinely stupid; the rest are arrogant A-holes who think the limit doesn't apply to them. The cashiers should be required to direct ALL to the proper line!

  7. I think instead of the cashiers being required to direct people to the proper line, they just ring up the first 15 items and then total the order. If that person wants the rest of their items, they can go to the back of the line!
    The stores will never enforce this though, the cashiers are instructed to ring them up anyway to prevent a "problem" with a customer and they don't want to lose the sales!


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