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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Videos Show 'Occupy' Protesters Pepper Sprayed, Beaten

Police and protesters have frequently gone toe-to-toe at Occupy camps across the country, however three recent videos that show protesters, including a veteran being roughed up and students being pepper sprayed, are causing many to question whether police have overstepped their bounds.


  1. They had cut the police off from their support and would not move after being ordered to do so they got what they wanted and deserved.

  2. Good, go home and get a job. How much tax payer money is it costing to deal with these freaks.

  3. Really people while I don't totally agree with the OWS movement the constitution provides us that right to assemble and protest. I have seen the video and these people were doing no harm and not threatening to the police. Most of the commenttors have seemed to have forgotten the 60's protest that they probably participated in.

  4. 10:24 - The 60's protests a) had a specific, common sense object, not a meaningless "gimmie, gimmie, I want it all" message, and, b) were more about free love and getting high, not rape and property destruction. These clowns need to get a life and accept responsibility for themselves.

  5. So our specific common sense objective was to get high and get laid. Guess you were not there.

  6. I want what you got without working for it. Take a shower, put on some clean clothes, and get a job. Any job.

  7. good!!!!!!!!!!!!! Teach them the next time throwing batteries at cops and trying to take their hats, they get their butts beat and sprayed

  8. Got high. Got laid. Got a Facist Government.

  9. 11:00, You have no idea what you are talking about.

    They have clearly stated they are against wall street greed that caused millions to lose their mortgages, the governments involvement/influence with wall street, as well as their involvement in the banking industry.

    Im not even an avid supporter/follower(however I do support the cause).

    Unfortunately the main stream media will not cover it to the fullest/explain their message.

  10. OC is expensive. just bring drunks there to urinate on them.

  11. These losers want the government and tax payers to pay for there existence the trouble is who pays for the next generation?

  12. I don't know who is telling you the crap you post but you need to find someone intelligent and in the know to get your talking points. If you have no clue what this is all about by now, you are hopeless.

    Forget the hype. Turn off your t.v.'s and radios. Use that brain and think about what they have been doing and why.

    The real reasons, not the ones that are opinions of others who have no clue either. You should be able to figure it out if your brain still works after all this time you have been fed false information.

  13. @ 11:00am
    are you kidding me?
    This protest is about rape and property destruction???!
    But the 1960s protests where about getting high and getting laid.

    You have both of these all wrong. And clearly you pointed out instances of crime that have happened within the current protest, yet you fail to point out any crimes that occured during the 1960s protests ...

    how do you not realize you're way of thinking is ridiculous?
    If you have an opinion at least share it with us in a way that makes sense. Seriously.

  14. 7:11 Nice try at trying to clean up this mess but a picture is worth a thousand words and we see them daily these protesters are paid by Soro's so don't try and sell it as grass roots. If it was they would be in Washington where they make the rules that Wall street operates under and where the politicians get paid off. You are ignorant and a idiot.

  15. Don't worry Joe. Despite overwhelming odds and brutal life threatening tongue lashings of "shame on you" and "the whole world is watching" our courageous lawmen crushed the militant combative sitters valiantly. Dept. chief has stated two officers have received special commendations of paid vacation for their selfless heroism during the vicious hand to hand bindings of the malicious heavily unarmed incapacitated students. Who do they think they are! America's finest?? We can all sleep a little easier tonight.

  16. Do you want to know why the members of the Westboro Baptist church are not tear gassed? Because they stand up and scream.

    The most threatening, intimidating thing you can do to a police officer is sit quietly.

  17. You are ignorant and a idiot.

    November 21, 2011 8:29 AM

    Aww, I wuv you too

  18. 7:11 Nice try at trying to clean up this mess but a picture is worth a thousand words and we see them daily these protesters are paid by Soro's so don't try and sell it as grass roots. If it was they would be in Washington where they make the rules that Wall street operates under and where the politicians get paid off. You are ignorant and a idiot.

    You cant be serious... right?...right?

    There are actually people in this country who think this is true? Where do you make this stuff up?


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