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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Surging Gingrich Nabs Key NH Paper's Endorsement

In the most significant endorsement of the GOP race so far, the New Hampshire Union Leader newspaper endorsed former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.



  1. Cant we get anyone decent to run for President. We are scaping the bottom of the barrel.
    Dont we have anymore Ike Eisenhower.

  2. Ron Paul is running, 5:09! Open your ears and listen.

  3. Just like Salisbury

  4. God help us.... please.

  5. anonymous 8:27, MILLIONS have been saying the same about Obama. It hasn't worked.

  6. I don't understand why this guy is getting any endorsements. He's a lobbyist! Oh wait, guess the endorsee is one of his beneficaries?!
    Just what we need as President, a lobbyist!
    ALL lobbyists need to be thrown out of Washington. They ONLY work for the companies they lobby for, they don't work for US!

  7. Just what we need, another bought and paid for establishment Rino republican!!! A corporate mouthpiece that represents all that is wrong with both parties!!!! Surely the Republican party could come up with something better than this????
    Just another example that our government is not listening!!!
    Even Obama endorses this piece of corporate sponsored crap!!!!!!!!


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