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Monday, November 21, 2011

Supercommittee Is Expected To Call It Quits Today

Nobody's holding out any hope of a last-minute surprise agreement to cut more than a trillion in deficits over the next decade, the Associated Press reported. The special bipartisan "supercommittee" is expected to call it quits today, with nothing to show for the two months of talks. The finger-pointing continues from both sides, with Democrats saying they couldn't get Republicans to boost taxes enough for wealthy Americans, and Republicans saying Democrats weren't serious about entitlement reform. The non-decision is supposed to trigger the "doomsday option," meaning across-the-board cuts will take effect.


  1. Can we get back all the tax dollars spent on these bozos

  2. and the job of congress is?????

  3. At least the doomsday option will ensure some cuts will be made. You guys can explain to your angry constituents why you just can't seem to do your job.

  4. Lobbyists took part in the super committee meetings so that should tell us they all need to go!


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