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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Study Shows Fox News Viewers Less Informed On Major Stories

Quick, were Egyptian protesters successful in their bid to overthrow longtime president Hosni Mubarak earlier this year?

According to a new poll (PDF) from Fairleigh Dickinson University, if you watch Fox News you are significantly less likely to know the correct answer to that question than if you mostly avoid news shows and newspapers all together.

After controlling for factors like partisanship, education, and other demographic factors, the pollsters found that Fox New viewers were 18 points less likely to know that the revolt was successful than their non-active news consuming counterparts. Fox News viewers were also 6 points less likely to know that the Syrian uprising has yet to succeed.


  1. SBYNEWS viewers are the best informed.

    (you can mail me my check,please)

  2. well written CNN
    Fox Rocks. At least i get both views.

  3. that is pretty obvious

  4. Laughable... The left wing's twisted obsession with Fox news they just can't handle not having full control over the American media news filter.

  5. Not laughable, whats laughable is that joke of a news channel called Fox news...

    also CNN is pretty laughable as well.

  6. that is no surprise
    Fox is the home shopping network for the ill informed looking for a party line that fits in their color


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