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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Penn State Ousts University President, Paterno

The Penn State University's trustees announced late Wednesday night that it had ousted school president Graham Spanier and legendary head football coach Joe Paterno amid a child sex abuse scandal under their watch involving a former assistant coach.

“These decisions made after careful deliberations and best interests of the university as a whole," said John Surma, vice chairman of the university board, during a news conference held following the board's meeting.


  1. For the Penn State students that are protesting the firing, ask yourselves this:
    When Mr.Paterno was first notified that Sandusky was seen having oral sex with a "ten-year-­old boy", instead insert the words "he was having oral sex with your ten-year-o­ld son, Joe", and tell me if you think Joe would've reported it to the college administra­tors - or to the police.
    Joe made a bad decision - and the college made the only decision that was possible.
    I was a huge fan of Paterno - for what he accomplished on and off the field - but knowing now that he could have saved a tremendous amount of pain for so many little kids and did nothing, certainly diminishes my opinion of the man.

  2. He needed to be fired. I bet if someone told him sandusky molested his grandson he would of called the police. You don't sweep child molestation under the rug and heep it in house. These students are idiots rioting. Joe went from hero to zero this week in my book.

  3. These students are idiots rioting.9:07 AM

    I agree with that. He's 84 yoa and has the most wins of any other coach and that means he gets a free pass? I don't think so.

    He kicked it upstairs and then did nothing. Bad decision. Now he is fired. Good decision.

    Now the parents can sue the hell out of everyone involved and make them wish they did more. And hopefully ensure they will do more if this type of thing raises its head again.

  4. Hopefully the Board will stop the pedophile ring which services the rich alumni of the University.


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