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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

O’Malleys heading to India with large delegation

Gov. Martin O’Malley and wife, Judge Katie O’Malley, will be heading to India right after Thanksgiving, leading the state’s largest ever overseas economic development trip and the first visit of a sitting Maryland governor to the world’s largest Democracy. The six-day trip will include visits to Hyderabad in central India, a biomedical hub; Mumbai (formerly Bombay) on the west coast, the financial center; New Delhi, the national capital; and Agra, the site of the Taj Mahal.



  1. At our tax paying expense as well!!!

  2. who's paying for this trip??

  3. Hope he sets up liberal shop and stays.

  4. Why have we not seen this article in the local rag. They seem to be more concerned about Andy taking a trip.

  5. Maybe his plane will get delayed and he won't come back


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