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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Newt Gingrich Says Obama Correct To Kill American Accused Of Turning On U.S.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Saturday agreed with the Obama administration's decision to kill Anwar al-Awlaki, the American citizen who was accused of turning on the United States and recruiting terrorists for al Qaeda.

"The correct thing in an act of war is to kill people who are trying to kill you," Gingrich said.

Al-Awlaki, a U.S.-born cleric linked to al Qaeda, was killed by a CIA drone in September.

CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley asked the former speaker if he would have signed an executive order authorizing the killing of al-Awlaki.


  1. That is a slippery slope. Probably the only thing I ever disagreed with Ron Paul. Once a person commits treason with ambition to do harm to Americans, in my humble opinion you have surrendered your citizenship in an act of war against your country. Making you fair game to death by any means.

    I know, the law is the law, however, sometimes, some laws are a speed bump in the course of military victory.

    Once said, "War is Hell." It is so very true.

    This doesn't mean that I still don't think Obama is a worthless hump!

  2. If it's against the law!
    Looks like another law needs changing.

  3. Hmmm, does this statement above not apply to Obama too regarding treason to the United States???

  4. Was it "correct" to also kill his 16 year old US citizen son?
    Was he a socalled-but-unproven-in-any-court "terrorist" too?
    Or was he killed because he maybe/might "grow up to be a terrorist" too?
    Pope Clement famously said about a 1000 years ago, "Kill them all, God will find his own", about the slaughter of muslims in the Crusades.
    When the US emperor/"pResident" decides that what you dare say in public makes you a "terrorist" too and sics his dogs of war on you, and SWATs you to death or "takes out" you and your family with a drone, in the foreseeable future, Patriot, maybe you will recognize that the rule of law, and "innocent until proven guilty" were the constructs that at one time, now opast, set the US apart among free nations.

  5. Don't agree with Gingrich alot, but atleast this man is one of the few up there that has some well-thought out ideas, not rehashing of disproven talking points.

  6. LOL! so you think a court should decide if a terrorist should taken out? Wow! good luck with that. The courts can't even decide to punish a shop lifter let alone a terrorist.
    I don't remember the story. Where was the 16yr old when he was hit? In the USA, or a terrorist camp?
    Who knows what was said a thousand years ago by some pope.
    Our little battle is not against muslims, its a rich waco group supported someone else rich wanting to kill some poor working people over here.

  7. I think Newt will wind up being the GOP choice in the end. Rommney and Cain aren't shinning stars in these debates.

    One thing I did notice as I watched the additional 1/2 hour via live stream internet, why were they asking questions to all except Ron Paul? Because many have jumped on his answers to his questions in the past?

    The main stream media treats him like a red headed step child, very poor journalism if you ask me. Shame on CBS news the hacks.

  8. 11:41

    His son just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. War is Hell! Mission completed.

    You might as well ask why did the chicken cross the road?

  9. When you plot to kill someone, war or no war, you should expect someone to defend against your actions. Being killed is the ultimate defensive action.

    What would any of you do if someone was trying to kill you, call a lawyer?

  10. Whats Obama gonna do when the people of the US have finally had enough and get together to remove them all in office ..... have everyone killed

  11. think about it though, every protest (tea party, ows, etc...) could be considered treason. we are speaking out against our government. in some cases protesting the outing of government.

  12. We Amerikans are so stupid.

    Now we are no longer entitled to be considered INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty in a court of law judged by a jury of our PEERS.

    We have become ISRAEL


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