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Thursday, November 10, 2011

‘Glee’ Sparks Controversy With ‘First Time’ Episode

In the episode titled “The First Time,” heterosexual couple Finn and Rachel and homosexual couple Kurt and Blaine consummated their relationships. EW’s Pop Watch called the episode “incredibly moving,” saying the sex scenes were “handled very delicately.”
But the Parents Television Council didn’t think so, calling the show “reprehensible” and the Fox network reckless for “celebrating teen sex.”


  1. ha ha ha, got to give it to Fox. They make oodles of money on one channel telling the public how conservative values are the best, then make oodles of money on another channel with gay sex and salicious material.

  2. A society with no decency and values is easily controlled. This is hideous considering the Penn State horrors in the news now.

  3. The Glee episode was mild compared to the trash shows like "16 and Pregnant" and "Jersey Shore." At least it didn't build the episode around drunken hookups and tramps who get knocked up.

  4. Well the cast of Jersey Shore is well over "teenage" years. But I do agree this is nothing worse then what you would see on any other channel. I am tired of society trying to force the "good old day" on the up and coming years. Time has passed and the face of humanity has changed. Get used to it.

  5. I'm sure everyone reading this were all virgins when they got married. NOT! Seriously, we all know it's happening. Why not focus on "safe sex".

    Teenage sex can't be compared to whats going on in Pa. That was a grown man who knew what he was doing was wrong.

    If you seriously compare the two think of it this way. We know teens are having sex. Are they taking showers together? No way! To them thats way too personal.


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