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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gitmo Costs $800K/Year Per Detainee

The Miami Herald's Carol Rosenberg, returning to Gitmo for the arraignment of alleged USS Cole bomber Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, reports how much the island prison is costing American taxpayers these days.

The Pentagon detention center that started out in January 2002 as a collection of crude open-air cells guarded by Marines in a muddy tent city is today arguably the most expensive prison on earth, costing taxpayers $800,000 annually for each of the 171 captives by Obama administration reckoning.

1 comment:

  1. How much would 171 bullets cost? They could even make money by selling lottery tickets for 171 chances to pull the trigger. As an added bonus, this would be a one-time expenditure instead of a long term annual expense. Makes more than perfect sense to me.


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