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Monday, November 14, 2011

Giant Corporation Allows Laura Mitchell To Collect Petition Signatures At Giant Food Saturday

Giant Food Corporation was allowing a politician to collect signatures in front of Giant in Salisbury this past Saturday. They'll cut off the Salvation Army but they'll allow an elected official to solicit customers for signatures.

I can see the Giant Santa kicking a Bell Ringer in the butt and when the ringer pulls on the beard Mike Dunn's face appears.


  1. That is so wrong for them to allow this. There are many non-for-profit groups they will not allow to stand outside.

  2. Its all good she was out there with Ireton when i went there and almost everyone just walked past them..... Ireton is running scared right now

  3. Her husband was out there on Sunday.

  4. 1 way to get message to Giant and that is to shop elsewhere i know i will.

  5. not good..call giant and complain.

  6. Most people living in the city can't afford to shop at Giant.

  7. Well said 9:20, shows distribution of wealth doesn't it.

  8. Giant Pharmacy was going to charge me $75 for a prescription, a generic, that I ended up getting at Riverside Pharmacy for $19.94 for the exact same generic as I was to get at Giant. That is way out of hand and needs to be regulated to keep those that don't question or compare from getting ripped off by corporate greed.

    Yeah, say no to the Salvation Army bell ringers yet let childish politics go on, annoying their customers. Shame on Super Giant. Glad I don't shop there.

  9. i don't know what it is about this chick but she gives me the creeps...big time. there is something shady about her.

  10. Mitchell's comments about Wal-Mart last night disturbed me. Mrs. Cohen was obviously trying to move the issue forward with the city attorney and all Mitchell could do was make nasty comments that were apparently untrue.

    She and Ireton seem to be more interested in making political headlines trying to damage council members than they are in doing their jobs.


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