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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Does A Bad Credit Score Mean You'll Be Bad At Your Job?

A growing number of employers are running credit checks on potential hires before making a job offer. Unfortunately, there are a large number of people out there whose credit reports are still marred by the recent and ongoing economic troubles. So does it make sense to consider an applicant's credit history?

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  1. I would think only in a sensitive job or one involving handling money. Who doesn't have at least one mar against them?

  2. A bad credit score would, in most cases, indicate a lack of discipline. That could translate into a lack of disciopline to do a job right, to give it the attention it needs.

  3. 9:49 PM

    Maybe 10-20 years ago. When you have people flipping a coin to see if they pay bills or eat or buy medicine, it's very easy to let some things go and get behind.

    Losing a job has what to do with discipline? Rent/mortgage, food and health care are my top three priorities. The rest stand in line and get it when I get it.

  4. Basically there is no deep relation between job and credit score but if they check credit rating then it is simple they want to know about your background.

  5. Should have run one on Laura Mitchell would have been very telling.

  6. agreed with 949pm. dont be stupid and people wont see you as stupid. simple really.

  7. 9:49 Anon
    You sound like you work for the insurance industry.
    They link your insurance rates to your credit, which is ludicrus!
    One has NOTHING to do with the other!
    When I went through my divorce many years ago, my credit suffered, not due to MY doing, but to my Ex's doings! It didn't matter what the reason was, it was bad and I was penalized HEAVY, to the tune of 30% for it! When I finally was able to get my credit straighted out and a credit score of well over 800, do you think they gave me a discount? Heck no!
    It's all a sham!! Any excuse to make you pay more!
    As far as employment, I can see if you're in a sensitive position of handling money, maybe it makes sense. However, because of what I've been through, I can also see it as over reaching on the boarderline of invasion of privacy.
    What you do in your personal life is none of your employer's business unless it's an illegal activity.


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