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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cut Backs Are Evident

Does this look like a 7% INCREASE in business to you?


  1. Joe,

    It sure does... Only because I'm to stupid to think and make decisions on my own and have to have the media aka Daily Times tell me business is good...

    Yet business is so good, I am willing to pay extra for those TAXES and FEES and TOLLS they are raising... Oh might I add, the Tax per mile you drive...

    For those who are really ignorant (Stupid as dirt really)The above statements are exaggerated...

  2. Speaking of cuts Joe, Mardela Middle and High school students were sent home with a letter to parents just yesterday explaining how the WCBOE is looking into closing their school. There is a budget meeting tonight at Parkside and the discussion on the school is to follow. Would really like for you to look into this. As I don't have a child in that school yet I will in the next few years. I myself work nights so I cannot attend this meeting, please help us get the whole story!

  3. Hope they bought that LOCAL. Sick of the one sided crap Craig does on his infomercials, I swear the man just likes to hear/see himself on TV.

    I don't know about other businesses but we have never been able to get WBOC to do business with us, even when we are able to come in with a cheaper bid.

  4. I have to admit, your smarter then most.

  5. Craig, you've been blogged. Spanked is more like it.

  6. The trucks sit in the parking lot most of the day.

  7. @11:54 YOUR use of the contraction "you're" is ironic.


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