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Thursday, November 10, 2011

CNN Defends The Fed – Calls Ron Paul Economically Illiterate

Every 2012 contender attended college. They all graduated. They went to schools like the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, Texas A&M, Morehouse, Penn State and Emory. But decades have passed since these Presidential candidates first stepped onto campus as freshmen. Is it time for an Econ 101 refresher course? America's Econ 101 professors say yes. In their view, the candidates continue to offer ideas and policies that wouldn't pass muster in their classes – populated by 18 year-old college students. "There are so many economic 'misstatements' being made," said Jonathan Lanning, a professor at Bryn Mawr who is teaching two introductory economics classes this semester. "And it isn't confined to any one candidate." ... Another professor who teaches at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Michael Salemi, was able to identify statements from six candidates that "would earn failing grades in my Econ 101 class." Salemi called Ron Paul's rationale for returning to the gold standard "one of the most dangerous ideas put forward by a politician in recent years." – CNN Money


1 comment:

  1. Good and true article. The deck is stacked against the common working middle class...the gold standard , the fed..these are issues that have gotten people killed if you dont want to play the NEw world order game..Kenedy was our last hope to turn the tide..guys like Perot, Ron Paul, Herman Cain these are the kind of men we need in power. Its sad that the entrenched far left wing in this counrty will stop at nothing to achieve a new world order. If you dont see it in our universities,schools, union and government then you've had your head in the sand for decades, If you are just now noticing this situation is going left of center then you dont belong in this counrty. We need men lie Ron however power base does not want that to happen cause it will cause thier new world order scam to blow up in thier faces..we are the last hurdle to a full NEW world ORDER..Our once strong middle class, our constitution and freedom are the last hurdle to achieving a global currency.


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