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Friday, November 11, 2011

Board Rejects Confederate License Plates For Texas

AUSTIN — Just weeks after Gov. Rick Perry expressed opposition to making a Confederate battle flag image available on specialty Texas license plates, his appointees on the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles unanimously rejected the proposal Thursday.

Passions ran high as dozens of Texans, mostly African Americans, told the board that the Confederate flag represents, for them, bondage, brutality and fear, and is a symbol used by hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan to promote their ideology.



  1. I am surprised that al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson weren’t there to help stir up trouble, and they are Media whores that love the attention.
    The rebel flag is the flag of Saint Andrews cross, it is a religious flag, and we all know how religious the southern folks are and were back then.
    The flag that the “African American’s” really out to oppose is the regular US flag, yup, that is the flag that they were stolen under from Africa, that is the flag in which they were sold like cattle under. No slave was ever brought to this country under the confederate flag!
    That is also the flag in which the US Supreme Court made the Dread Scott decision, that is the flag under which President Lincoln pledged an oath to not interfere with that, “Peculiar Institution”, being “Slavery”, in the southern states.
    The US flag is also the flag under which the newly freed slaves and their offspring were kept under a sort of bondage after the civil war for decades with segregation and oppression.
    Yes, the public education system in this country leaves out most of the facts that are not popular or not political correct, but history don’t lie, the flag that has always held the black people down is the US flag, not the confederate battle flag, which is the symbolic flag for the SCV.

  2. To 12:35, perhaps you are right. However, the flag of the CSA is the flag of a nation that was explicitly formed on the idea that the white race is superior. The states formed the CSA to preserve slavery and for no other reason.

    So, yes, the United States government did a lot of bad things to blacks. However, the nation was founded on the notion that all men were created equal, even if its actions didn't live up to this idea. The Confederacy was formed on the notion that the black man was inherently unequal to the white man and fought a war to preserve the black man's enslavement.

    There's a big difference between the USA and the CSA.

  3. Read your American History, the founding fathers encouraged slavery and brought it to this continent with them from Europe. As far as “all men created equal”, again, read your history, only “Free, white, and 21” were counted as “Men” in the new world. Blacks, Indians and women were not counted as anything!
    You also have to remember the thinking of the people of yesteryear, Africans were considered not human, but property, farm machinery so to speak. They were the digging, planting, cutting, plowing, harvesting equipment, and the nation’s highest court also said so, “Slaves are property, and belong to whomever owned them, and therefore shall be returned to their rightful owner”, part of the Dread Scott decision.
    The CSA was an agricultural society, and the USA an Industrial society, but the north also wanted the south to remain agricultural and grow all of those nice crops cheaply so they could profit from low prices in the north, especially when sending these item to Europe for processing and returning to the north to be sold back to the populous. The rich industrialist really didn’t care how the cotton, tobacco, or grains were grown and harvested by whomever, just as long as the end result was cheap prices and high profits. Sooo, they turned their back on the slavery problem and counted their money.
    Then came the Abolitionist and religious kook’s spouting all of their hated of slavery and the south.
    Several of our presidents owned slaves, our chief justices of the Supreme Court owned slaves, many of the towns, cities, roads, bridges and many other endeavors were built and constructed by slaves, owned by industrialist!
    Slavery has existed since before Jesus, he even tells slaves to obey their masters in the Bible. Should we throw out the Bible because it endorses slavery? Should we condemn Jesus because he told slaves and masters to treat each other with fairness and respect?
    No one condemns the North Vietnamese businessman that used to shoot at our dads or brothers. No one condemns the KGB businessman whom now runs an internet business, we move on.
    Bottom line, slavery happened, right or wrong, a war was fought, a new nation reborn, and now we have one nation. To forget our history, right or wrong, is one way to be forced to repeat it.


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