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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Being A Conservative In Maryland Isn't So Easy!!!

Our Governor Martin O'Malley is as liberal and pompous as is our president Barack Obama. Everyone knows he wants to be elcted to the U.S. Senate and one day as president. He thinks very highly of himself. He models himself after those who are of dictatorship qualities. We tried to redistrict or state so that Republicans would have eqaul representation in voting and he managed to strike it down. It's his way or the highway!

He has wasted money on stupid projects that have not added money to our treasury. Like a highway that has a toll charge that is so expensive it sits idle. It's ok if big business goes to Northern Virginia said O'Malley because according to him they are our neighbors after all. DUMB!!!

No matter what Obama seems to step into O'Malley supports it. Maryland doesn't want Obama Care and so what, suck it up says O'Malley. Thank goodness the Supreme Court is going to hear why about 24 states don't want it. It is going to be really funny when the Supreme Court gets even with Obama for making it looks foolish during a State of the Union speech.


1 comment:

  1. "Thank goodness the Supreme Court is going to hear why about 24 states don't want it."

    i believe its 26 states.


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