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Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Air Force Cuts Ranks To Save Money

The Air Force is cutting its ranks, announcing it will fire 436 captains and majors in a force reduction. The Air Force is trying to trim its payroll to a lower level authorized by Congress. A spokesman told Federal News Radio that Air Force leadership looked at nearly 9,000 officers. The ones targeted must leave by March 1, 2012. The Air Force is also reducing its enlisted numbers by allowing selected airmen to leave earlier than planned. That's called a data of separation rollback. To be eligible, the service member must have fewer than 14 years or service, or more than 20. They'll need to leave by or retire by April 1, 2012


  1. The right thing to do as we draw down from two wars. Now let's push this disfunctional Congress to pass the Jobs Act so that these brave men and women can get a civilian job.

  2. I don't know where this myth comes from that government can create jobs. It just doesn't happen.

  3. I can't create Heroes either
    just dead men

  4. 421-Quit drinking the flavor aid, that stuff ain't good for you. I'm never in favor of temporary tax cuts(aka jobs bill) in exchange for permanent tax hikes. I'm not for giving the alchy the keys to the liquor store.


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