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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why Are We Letting Kids Be Held Hostage To A Government Monopoly?

For years, American education from kindergarten through high school has been a virtual government monopoly.

Conventional wisdom is that government must run the schools. But government monopolies don't do anything well.
They fail because they have no real competition. Yet competition is what gives us better phones, movies, cars -- everything that's good.

If governments produced cars, we'd have terrible cars.

Actually, governments once did produce cars. The Soviet bloc puts its best engineers to work and came up with the Yugo, the Volga and the Trabant.



  1. All of the american citizens should file a Federal lawsuit against the BOE.

    They are in violation of so many anti-trust laws that it isn't funny.

    The racketeers have price fixed, for so long that they have become accustomed to stealing. It's about time 'we the people' put an end to their unionized shenanigans.

  2. What you seem to forget is this... Where in the constitution is federal government given the responsibility for education?

    Answer: It isn't. Education is not one of the delineated responsibilities of the federal government. Yet, it has userped this power, and taken it away from the states.

    Sue the federal government for it's unconstitutional power grab. Power has completely been taken away from your local BOE. Once local control returns, then local issues can be properly addressed.

    Attack the roots of the problem, not the symptoms of it.

  3. Not all kids just the ones in public schools.


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