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Monday, October 17, 2011

Today's Survey Question 10-17-11

Do you spoil your pets?

What's the most extravagant thing you've done for your pet?


  1. Hate pets but I have come up with a new plan for all the friends. In one night it is possible for them to eat a pound of ham, a pound of cheese, a loaf of bread,two half gallons of ice cream, a twelve pack of coke, a jar of claussen pickles and a bag of mixed candy, and a bag of chips. Shit is getting to expensive for this three or four times a week. I made a menu with prices and stuck it to the door of the fridge. To much? To bad. The new rules are initiated.

  2. I bought my dog his own Rolex. Stainless steel submariner...not the gold model...he'd mess that up in the woods.

  3. Yes we spoil our dog.
    Yes we spoil our cat Porky.
    Not going to tell how extravagant

  4. Attention 11;22 I am glad you don't have any kids! I am sure you don't! If you did they would probably be taken away.

  5. Yes indeed we spoi them----wouldn't be any fun if we couldn't!

    Materially----probably not anything that extravagant to "write home about"---but- -
    the Love & Care they are given is far beyond any measure!

  6. Yes, I feed her Caviar and beer. And she plans on wintering in the south of France.

  7. You Betcha! I love my two Siamemse cats, they have run of the house. My wife and I treat them like they are our children, we talk to them, kiss and hug them and let them sleep in our bed with us. We buy them birthday gifts, christmas toys, valentine toys, little treats, we grow them their own catnip and grass. They are very spoiled.

  8. My husband and I have a very spoiled cat -- but like the poster above said, spoiled not with material things but with love. I firmly believe that if you aren't going to treat a pet well (meaning dont tie it to a tree outside and dont abuse it) you shouldn't have one.
    Of course we take her to the vet regularly and feed her etc .. but she is mainly spoiled with love and attention.


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