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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tear Down That Wall Of Central Planning's Prison State

It appears that ex-Soviet ruler Mikhail Gorbachev has come out of the woodwork again. This time Gorby treats us with more "global governance" nonsense, calling for more centralization of power and more central planning. But more central planning means more imprisonment of the people by the State. Contrary to Gorbachev’s fantasy of world communism/fascism, what we need is more freedom!
When Ronald Reagan called out, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" the wall might as well have referred to the U.S. government’s imprisonment of the American people via the police state, regulatory intrusions and government’s always-increasing confiscation of private wealth. But the reality is that we need to go the other way, away from central planning and toward decentralization.

On the talk shows and in the news, and on YouTube videos and in public forums, there is an epidemic in America of denial and fantasy. Each election cycle, we have statist candidate A vs. statist candidate B, especially with the national elections, and there do not seem to be any candidates or voters who are willing to face the music and deal with the reality of the inherent destructiveness of central planning.


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