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Monday, October 03, 2011

The Secret to Staying Married

Ever wonder the secret to staying happily married? Why some people make it look so easy, while you're feeling like you're in a struggle for your life? A new book,The Secret Lives of Wives: Women Share What it Really Takes to Stay Married rounds up a diverse cast of happily married characters who have the tenacity and audacity to make their marriages work.

We sat down with the book's author, Iris Krasnow, who calls her book "an antidote for divorce" and asked her to spill her own secrets of wedded bliss.



  1. Our secret is my wife and I take two nights a week, go out for a candlelit dinner, a couple glasses of wine, a little slow dancing,she goes on Tuesdays, I go on Fridays.

  2. It's really quite simple. Don't expect the person you married to be perfect and have ESP. Communication, compassion, forgivness and being each other's best friend.

  3. after being married to the same "blessed" guy for 45 years; i agree with 11:04. in our case i would add a sense of humor and most important a spiritual component.

    we married at 18 yrs. old and were young and dumb. we had to grow up together and yes there were very hard times in every area; but the glue that really held us together was our faith and trust in a living G_d; Jesus.

  4. Keep you mouth shut and always tell her she's right.

  5. Yes Dear, always works....


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