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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Salisbury News Welcomes Officer Brandon Caton And Companion Miso

Salisbury Police Officers Brandon Caton and Miso start their very first shift together tonight for the Salisbury Police Department.


  1. been long over due.. hope SPD gets a few more. the dog will be a great tool

  2. Everybody has a 1st time one time or another in their life!!!!!!!

    Take the dog over to Delaware and Church Streets and let him run- he will bring back the trash and drugs!!!!!
    Also, corner of Naylor and Old Ocean City Road!!!!!!

  3. best of luck to both,hope they get lots of arrests.if miso needs time off,brandon/myso is welcome at my house anytime to relax.anything i can do to help our officers

  4. What a beautiful puppy! All my respect to Brandon and the pup!


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