As promised, Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) used the start of the legislature’s special session on redistricting Monday to begin talking about jobs, and offered more clarity about suggestions he’s made since August that he would support higher taxes to boost spending on public infrastructure.
What is wrong with this idiot? Is he really this clueless. He thinks he going to spend his way to maryland properity? Will someone please wake me up from this nitemare of a state..Your a thief O'Mally plain and simple! Take your transporatation fund and stick it where the sun dont shine..I will do all I can to take my money elsewhere
ReplyDeleteThere only way to fix ANY problem for a dumbocrat is to raise taxes
ReplyDeleteonce a liberal is elected to their 2nd term, ALL they do is TAX TAX TAX if they have the assembly votes to do so, REMEMBER PARIS GLENDENING? jeez people, WAKE UP
ReplyDeleteMD is stupid for electing this tool again. we had much better success when Ehrlich was governor
ReplyDeleteWhen is the eastern shore going to wake-up and realize that we should not be attached to the scoundrel western shore counties.
ReplyDeleteI say it is high time to secede.
If this tax passes we will need another gas station in Delmar....Delaware!
ReplyDeleteTypical democrat through history they always want to tax and spend tax and spend. Just remember that the next time you vote.
ReplyDeleteThis is the same guy that accused Erlich of being the tax raising governor.
ReplyDeletemaybe he can tell us where we are supposed to get the bucks to pay for this. most can't afford to drive to work as it is. NO MORE TAXES!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCome next election, we need to urge these officials to find other employment
ReplyDeleteI don't live in Maryland anymore, so the MD taxes really don't affect me that much.
ReplyDeleteI do have a question for all of you though.
Why are you going off on O'Malley alone? You should be ringing the phones of your other elected officials telling them not to vote for it.
Instead, you're on a blog whining about it. If you all would rise up and start calling, start a letter writing campaign (burying them in paper), you'll get your point across, quickly.
It takes more than just the Governor to pass this stuff, wake up people!
I hope all you fools who voted for this bigger fool are happy now! I know SOME of you are, but not if you buy much gas or any booze. He can get away with this gas tax because of the people in and around the metro areas who are not seriously impacted by this because they don't drive to work (if they work at all), but instead ride to their jobs on heavily subsidized (by us) mass transit. All that this man does is designed to ingratiate himself to the teeming masses in & around the metro area who benefit from his largesse with OUR money. And that of course, has EVERYTHING to do with re-election and POWER. As I commented previously when this new tax was just a "glimmer in his eye," I buy my booze in Delaware and will buy my gas there also when this takes effect. The only reason I don't move out of Maryland is because my grown kids live here & the wife won't "leave" them.
ReplyDelete10:55 "whining"? I see you tucked your tail between your legs and ran away. "whining," indeed! It's called freedom of speech and there are times when it's all we can do until such time as our numbers are enough so that we can vote them out of office. "burying them in paper" is not going to work so long as they believe they will be re-elected next time around. If you're so confident in your strategy, why didn't you just stay in MD and "fight the good fight?"
11:08 - I moved out of Maryland a LONG time ago (1994) because of the taxes. I was smart. It's only gotten worse since I moved away.
ReplyDeleteIf you took offense to my "whining" comment, then you're probably one of those who my statement pertained to.
If you don't go to ALL of the elected officials, you're not doing anything. Like I said - it takes more than just O'Malley to pass this! Wake up!
As far as tucking my tail, I don't get how you think that is correct. I woke up and made the smart move instead of making excuses as to why I can't move.
One more thing, yes, I AM confident in my strategy, it works. I know if for a fact. I know it from experience on BOTH sides of issues.
As a side note, we hope you'll keep coming to Delaware to buy. That way, we can keep our taxes DOWN, thank you!
7:46 PM on 10/18
ReplyDeleteThe correct spelling is "THEIR", not "THERE" so you shouldn't be calling people dumb you dumb-dumb!
Since prices of most products & services are reflective of gas prices, higher ga$ price$ = higher EVERYTHING else price$ while most people's salaries remain flat & stagnant.
ReplyDelete11:45 Well. It must be nice to be perfect. The Dems have been in control in Maryland since before 1994 when you fled the state. How exactly do you know that a person who comments on a blog ISN'T doing those things you say work? You're presuming an awful lot. And I guess if you HADN'T run away ("because of the taxes"), you'd have led the fight to bury all the dems in paper and none of this would have ever happened. It seems to me that, rather than bury the Dems with paper to make them change, you chose to run away with your tail between your legs instead of sticking around and saving us all. Because by your own admission, this has little effect on you, why do you feel it's okay for you to make negative remarks about people who ARE affected & who are simply giving voice to their frustrations in a forum where they can speak their minds with others who may be of like mind? If it doesn't affect you then perhaps you shouldn't rag on those it does affect.
ReplyDeleteWe need to start by getting rid of Cane and Conway, I hear every election were going to do it and it NEVER happens. Both of them voted for OMalleys redistricting plan that is going to take effect. WAKE UP!!
ReplyDeleteIt's not my place to save all of you. I saved myself. You should do the same YOURSELF!
ReplyDeleteYou're sitting with YOUR tail tucked between YOUR legs it sounds like to me.