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Wednesday, October 26, 2011


How do those who say the Occupy Movement is nothing but a bunch of liberals looking for government handouts explain what happened in Oakland? You had a liberal Democratic mayor ordering the police to attack and disperse protestors who are supposedly liberals. WTF? I’m sure Hannity and O’Reilly will spout that this is part of the master plan laid out by Saul Alinsky and George Soros.

The fact is that American citizens of all types are involved in the Occupy Movement. The government authorities are run by Republicans and Democrats. The parties are interchangeable because they have both been bought off by Wall Street and corporate America. The authorities will use their jackboots to remain in control. The citizens will be told to act like passive sheep or they will slaughter us.

I wouldn’t classify Karl Denninger as a liberal. His article below addresses the criminals in this story. The jackbooted thugs that beat and shoot peaceful protestors are the criminals.

Occupy Oakland: Mayor Jean Quan in Big Trouble After Riot



  1. Send them all to punishment park. What a movie.

  2. I read where union boss Trumpka,Michael Moore and others were with the protesters.I dont think they know that they are in the 1% making 800,000 a year and more!

  3. The flash bangs or whatever the cops were said to have used has now been stated that it was fireworks set off by the protesters.

  4. Watch the videos 11:08....they were tear gas cannisters. They first explode with a loud report and then they dispence CN/CS. It's part of the ability of the ordinance to instill fear in the intended target. Sensory overload. Bright flash, loud report, gas cloud = fleeing people leaving the area. Intended goal = get the people to leave the area. Objective met. But make no mistake, they will be back. We should keep in mind that the AP interviewed an unemployed accountant wandering the perimeter with an AK-47. He stated that he did NOT support the message of the group but he was there to protect the right of the group to protest and exercise free speech. Believe me when I tell you that a fire team of 7 like the unemployed accountant with a minimum amount of training would be a formidable adversary for any law enforcement agency. Especially if they used hit and run tactics. This will be interesting as it unfolds.


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