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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Obama To Order Student Loan Relief

President Obama will outline plan to allow millions of student loan recipients to lower their payments and consolidate their loans, an effort that could boost support among younger voters.


  1. There is no money, Obama is desperate and will say anything for a vote.

  2. This action by Obummer is the most transparant shallow attempt to but votes from the young dumbasses that can't (don't want to) pay for the expensive college education they received.
    How much more desperate will the fool in chief get?

  3. trying to buy votes. vote 2012

  4. Do something about a serious problem impacting a large portion? Oh thats just pandering. LOL.

  5. Well students defaulting are at a all time high. College education cost is at an all time high, and jobs are few and far between. So my friend @ 7:02 what do you propose we do, just keep defaulting and never pay back the loans? Yea that will work too...........

  6. young dumbasses that can't (don't want to) pay for the expensive college education they received.

    They get their fancy education. They look for a job in their field. Oops, no jobs.

    They look for a job in related fields. Oops, no jobs there either.

    They look for a job in ANY field, omg, no jobs at all.

    And you infer they WON'T pay their student loan?

    Well I guess you are correct. They WON'T because they CAN'T.

    No job, no money.

    Not don't you just feel foolish?

    No? It's ok, I really didn't expect you to feel that way.

    Ignorance is indeed bliss.

  7. I chose to go to a smaller/cheaper in-state school and graduated with minimal debt. I got a degree in marketing and took any job in sales.

    Maybe these people should take any job to get their foot in the door. Or if they have $100k+ in debt turn down $30k-$50k jobs?

    I also bought a house i could afford in 2002. I did not over extend, or house up, or borrow against my house to purchase investment houses.

    In both scenarios I did not require the government to step in and help me for bad decisions I made. For that matter i have never need the gov't to help me other than to maintain infrasructure and maybe food safety.

    When has governent ever created jobs?


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