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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Getting Distracted from the Real Issues of ADHD

Yes, it’s a real disorder. Why are we still so disposed to thinking it’s overdiagnosed?

The outcry this week in response to the American Academy of Pediatrics’ decision to publish new treatment guidelines for Attention-Deficity/Hyperactivity Disorder in children ages 4 to 18 (as opposed to age 6 to 12, as was the case previously,) has been largely focused on the fear that the change will vastly increase the number of very young children being diagnosed with ADHD and pump younger and younger kids full of medication.



  1. Hey look a Chicken (^_^)

  2. Those kids need meds big time and any parent who refuses should be told to home school.

  3. I have ADHD , I'm 68

  4. It can be a blessing. You have to let kids go outside and run around sometimes. Not keep them cramped up.

  5. I have ADHD and I'm 54 and never took meds,learned to channel my energy, and became a successful businessman.

  6. Another BS disorder create by big Pharma so they can sell drugs to healthy people who will be dependent on drugs they don't need for the rest of their lives.The government turns a blind eye because they want a dumb'ed down herd of tax payers.

  7. 2:34- you're right. I think Pat Robertson interpreted a scripture prophecy about America being hooked on drugs. It has happened, and I think there's no turning back.


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