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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bernanke: Let's Not Blow Bubbles

Bernanke says Fed should keep a sharper eye on financial bubbles... Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said Tuesday that he is more open to using the Fed's interest rate policies to combat financial bubbles, arguing that in the wake of the economic crisis, central bankers must rethink their assumptions. Before the economic upheaval, Bernanke acknowledged, central banks viewed financial stability as a "junior partner" to the task of tweaking interest rates to try to boost growth. But both stability and monetary policy are of vital importance to the U.S. economy, he said. – Washington Post

Dominant Social Theme: These bubbles have got to go! Where they came from, I don't know. But they need to be popped, not just stopped, and to fix them I need to say "No!"


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