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Thursday, September 22, 2011

White Supremacist Executed For Texas Dragging

White supremacist gang member Lawrence Russell Brewer was executed Wednesday evening for the infamous dragging death slaying of James Byrd Jr., a black man from East Texas.

Byrd, 49, was chained to the back of a pickup truck and pulled whip-like to his death along a bumpy asphalt road in one of the most grisly hate crime murders in recent Texas history.


  1. This fiend needed to be executed, just to discourage other creeps who might want to beat up on innocent people.

  2. i'm sorry but he should have been dragged to his death. not peacefully excecuted. bastard.

  3. Where is all of the sympathy that Troy Davis got for killing a police officer?

  4. September 22, 2011 3:28 PM

    You're comparing apples to oranges.

    And Cathy, smh.

  5. Troy didn't do it. Politics in play. Someone had to get blamed and fast.

  6. They should have made BBQ out of him like they did on the movie Fried Green Tomatoes to that abusive *ss.

  7. Evil ppl in this world. They should have skinned him with a potato peeler and poured salt all over him.


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