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Saturday, September 17, 2011

WCDC Inmates And No Control


I was wondering if you could help me i have attached 2 pictures upon visiting the detention center to get information i noticed work crew inmates coming back in from work i gather. i was walking up to the front lobby and these inmates were outside unsupervised and were making rude remarks how can these inmates be unsecured outside like this and be allowed to make such remarks i will also be emailing the county executive on this matter and there was an officer and he did nothing when he walked by.


  1. A couple of periods inserted in this message would have been helpful. Instead I had to read it 3 times to figure out where each sentence ended and each began.

  2. That's because when the inmates are on work release, they can do whatever they want. I have seen it first hand and am disgusted with it.

  3. 10:47 Who cares? This a is blog not english class. Despite the poor punctuation I had no problem understanding what she was trying to say.

  4. It is Obama's world now.

    Inmates will get released soon so they can vote for Obama....

  5. Solution:

    Don't visit there!

  6. 10:47 If you dont have a job as an english teacher maybe you should..we dont care if there is a period or a comma in the sentence or if it is spelled correctly. It is the subject that counts.

  7. I personally see an inmate(work release) rideing around in the recycling truck stop by I guess his girlfriends house while on the route. The truck and driver with the engine running. Our tax money at work?

  8. If having periods in appropriate places in the document helped the reader to better understand what was being communicated, then it's a valid concern. It is not about and English class. It is about communicating effectively.

  9. These are CRIMINALS who, by the mercy of the justice system, are allowed to do "work release". Their continued presence in that program is, or SHOULD be, based on EXEMPLARY behavior. That behavior, to me, also includes keeping your mouth shut unless spoken to and keeping your comments to yourself. Good thing my daughter or some other otherwise defenseless person didn't come back from that place and tell me that ANY of those dirtbag criminals said ANYTHING out of line. It would be a case of doing something TO them that would make them wish they HADN'T qualified for work release. I, and the rest of the public (WE are NOT criminals), don't seem to be so "protected and served" by the people who CLAIM to be doing just that. Who's going to be at fault when one of them gets their brains spread all over the sidewalk because he said the wrong thing to the wrong person? I'll bet the police will show up THEN.....

  10. Custody, security, control and accountability of inmates at WCDC is an absolute joke. This condition will remain until such time as the County starts running WCDC as a jail should be run. Has anyone ever checked into the recidivism rate of those inmates incarcerated at WCDC? Perhaps if WCDC was not such a pleasant place for inmates to be then maybe the taxpayers could catch a break. WCDCD is supposed to be a county correctional center and designed to discourage incarceration but until a different chord is struck WCDC will remain an inmate controlled environment. Perhaps our county leaders need to take a trip to Maricopa County, Arizona, to realize the recidivism reduction and savings to taxpayers a properly run jail can produce. Unless the methodology of WCDCD's operation is changed, then we can expect no hope for recidivism reduction or accountability coupled with much needed security and control of inmates.

  11. That's funny; I thought all of you guys wanted inmates to start cutting grass and such in the county. Now you think they should stay behind bars. Which is it? I guess it all sways to what post is written, and how it slants. There are problems with inmate labor. It is expensive to have it done, because of the rules and supervision required to do it CORRECTLY, and if they are being punished, they shouldn't be out amongst the free. Also, you should make at least an attempt at proper grammar and punctuation, as I had a hard time following as well. It also speaks to the credibility of eye witness accounts if the person sounds like they have passed the sixth grade.

  12. First of all it's a detention center, not church, so of course you are going to hear the same remarks as one would here in a locker room, barroom, etc.
    I would strongly suggest staying away from the place if one is offended by obsene words or gestures.

    Secondly, the county lockup isn't a prison. Generally those housed their have been sentenced to less than a year for some minor offense or are awaiting trial and those inmates would not be granted work release. It is generally given to those who wish to continue their regular employment while incarcerated. One benefit is that the county deducts from the income money to pay for the inmates food, lodging and clothes. Also any fines, restitution and any other debts the inmate is legally obligated to pay such as child support.
    Any left over money gets credited to the inmates account.

  13. Just curious, How do you know they are inmates? They may well have been there for the same reason you were there. Although I agree with other posters that they deserve punishment (if they are inmates)and should not be allowed work release. Our system allows for these people to keep jobs that they would otherwise loose if it were not for the work-release system. Give it some thought about why you were there and consider that these people could care less about your feelings of their free speech. Vulgar as it may be they are entitled to it. You are fortunate you are on the outside because it is much worse once you get inside.

  14. First, why was she there? Second, this isn't kindergarten, it is a detention center. WCDC is not easy on people. People don't want to go back. However, some of the people who commit crimes, minor or major, will continue to do so in our county and throughout the entire country. It is what it is. Personally, I want the ones who are working, to continue to work. What will they do when they get out if they are homeless and unemployed? That's right, commit crime.

  15. Who were you visiting and why are they in jail? Do they use proper etiquette when adressing members of the public? Are you mad that these inmates got work release and your special friend didn't?

  16. I agree that spelling and punctuation are important, regardless of the subject of the post. Unless, of course, you don't mind appearing to be ignorant....

  17. 10:47 If you dont have a job as an english teacher maybe you should..we dont care if there is a period or a comma in the sentence or if it is spelled correctly. It is the subject that counts.

    September 17, 2011 12:23 PM

    You are absolutely wrong.

    If spelling and punctuation is so bad that it makes it hard to understand, the SUBJECT is lost and loses it's impact.

    You can download spell checkers for free and use it for free when you type something.

    You don't have to be perfect but at least make some kind of effort.

    It would reflect well on you and show that you actually care about the subject you are sharing with the rest of us.

    And it show us that you respect not only our ability to read and understand it, but it would show you respect yourself enough to make the effort.

    If you don't show you respect yourself and what you try to share, why should anyone else show you any respect?

    Capice? (sp)

  18. Oh for God's sake. The whole country and quite possibly the world is a rude place.

    I don't know what they said that made such an impact with you. And from reading your post and some of the others, it causes me to think that maybe you said something first, or, looked at them with the same attitude you and others have shown in your writing.

    Write your letters. Come on here and whine. Do whatever makes you feel better.

    But you better get used to the idea that no one cares. And I don't see where anyone should care.

    Who would you write and whine to when, (not if, but when), some other 'citizen' does the very same thing?

    The last time I checked, we still have freedom of speech. That does not mean anyone has to be polite.

    If that were the case, more than half the world would be locked up.

    Get over it. Learn to ignore such people, as the rest of us have done.

    Everyone has the constitutional right to be an asshole. And they exercise that right very frequently.

  19. Oh 1:37, a little heads up. You'll just end up in there with them. Your daughter probably isn't the saint you think she is anyway.

  20. What do you expect from criminals? Do you think that every night before "lights out" a corrections officer reads the Emily Post Book of Etiquette to them?? Most of these people know how to work the system, to do what is expected of them on the inside in order to be granted the privilege of work release. There was an article on here last winter about a woman who beat her brother with a maglight flashlight. She was recently sentenced to serve a little jail time and after only a few days was granted work release. Her daughter picks her up every day and they do things like go to the movies, go shopping. No one follows up on these inmates... as long as they are back in time from a work assignment and their employers are not calling WCDC and making a complaint about them.

  21. 12:26 After writing such an eloquent post I have a hard time believing that you had trouble understanding her letter. Really?

  22. I know a convict in Snow Hill that is out on work release, his job is in Ocean City but for some reason he spends alot of time in Pocomoke with his HOMIES and at his parents house. If you check his FACEBOOK you can see all the pictures that he posts, while he is at "Work".

  23. 12:26 After writing such an eloquent post I have a hard time believing that you had trouble understanding her letter. Really?

    September 18, 2011 12:20 PM

    Not really. I can figure out pretty much what anyone says on here if I am so inclined.

    Did you have a valid point?

  24. . If you check his FACEBOOK you can see all the pictures that he posts, while he is at "Work".

    September 18, 2011 1:04 PM

    No thanks. I have more to do than search for someone's fb page, whom I don't even know, to see what he is doing.

    I'm not sure if any of you know that when people are out on work release they pay for part of their stay in jail.

    Work release is granted, by the judge, to minor offenders and those who have no flight risk.

    They are lucky to even have a job, much less have an employer who knows he/she is in jail and still keeps him/her employed.

    I just don't understand all the complaining.

    I'm sure most, if not all of you, do not know what any of them are in jail for in the first place.

    There are a hundred and one things a person can be locked up for. Some of which qualify for work release.

    I am much more concerned with being killed or mugged by a wanksta than I am being bothered by a drunk driver out on work release, for example.

    Anyway, I think all has been said concerning this issue. Unless they commit a crime while out on work release, or some other bad behavior, they are doing what they are allowed to do.

    Unfortunately being polite is not a law. If it were, they couldn't build enough prisons to house all the offenders.

  25. Nothing worse than a bunch of armchair critics of the criminal justice system.

  26. The inmates at wcdc can say and do whatever they want. Whether they are assigned to work release or genral population. There is no sense of control, supervision or security at wcdc. Thanks to non essential sympathizing personnel (i.e. mental health/medical staff), poor supervisors and upper management,including K and k; inmates at wcdc are running wild.
    And unfortunately, the C. O.'s are deeply paying the price.

  27. riverside said...
    Nothing worse than a bunch of armchair critics of the criminal justice system.

    September 18, 2011 8:21 PM

    Oh, I'm not sure about that.

    Perhaps the critics of the critics are worse?


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