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Friday, September 23, 2011

Wait Til You Go Grocery Shopping Again

You better put your seat belt and take blood pressure pills before you go to the grocery store again because prices, (as we explained last week) HAVE gone through the roof.

Yes, expect anywhere from 25% to 50% increase the very next time you hit the store. In fact, some cashiers were saying the prices went up TODAY and they weren't that high this morning.

If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times. They'll break you until you have no more, then they'll make you charge it. They'll raise cigarettes, liquor, gas, food, TOLLS, you name it. Oh, we're in a depression alright! Just5 wait til you hit the grocery store today.


  1. I will be shopping at "Savealot" tonight...lol #Realtalk

  2. Great news since I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow.

  3. "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
    ~Thomas Jefferson



  4. Jefferson was right, but it's too late to wake up now. The foretold nightmare is now reality!

  5. Joe I just got back from there. Prices definitely are going up. Coffee is way up. So is chocolate for baking and fruit juice. Fruit juice is up 50% from 2 weeks ago. This is hyper inflation plain and simple.

  6. I have witnessed it to. Lord help you if you want to buy cherries, oranges, or anything else for necessity.

    Fruit is up almost 50% from several weeks ago. I couldn't believe my eyes.

    The printing of money by our Treasury department has kicked-in. Hyper-inflation has now kicked-in and is in full swing.

  7. Glen Beck has been saying this is coming for a year!

  8. just came back from wal mart friday nite bought same stuff as always same price as always you people need to get a life or job or woman or something but stop bitching you are making fools of your self maybe its your education go back to school

  9. 12:47...You LIE. I just went there. Put all my groceries on the conveyor belt and they didn't even take up the entire space (about 3/4's of the length of the belt.) Total cost?? $133!! Sugar is $3.08 for 5 lbs?! Cereal is $4 a box?! $133 for enough groceries that I could carry into my house on one trip! That, sir, is ridiculous. If this continues, along with gas prices and other energy cost increases, coupled with the explosive growth in jobs and wages (ok, I made THAT part up), it might be a better move to skip the grocery store and go right to the gun shop. With the worldwide economic meltdown gaining momentum, are there people who really believe things are going to get BETTER!??

  10. 12:47, I have a lot of education (many hours beyond BA), and I can certainly see the difference. For example, I had been getting Maxwell House coffee in the large blue container, and it had been $6.00. A couple of weeks ago, there was a big sign hangind above the coffee: $9.00 and something. Yes, some items have not changed in price, but many have. Do you, by chance, do the shopping in your house? Try it sometime, when you're not working on all the grammatical errors in your post. (It seems that YOU need the education!)


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