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Monday, September 12, 2011

The Two Hottest Things You Can Say in Bed Read more: Hottest Things To Say During Sex - How To Dirty Talk

Listen up as we reveal the magic words that will take you and your guy to new heights of excitement!

When you think about what makes sex good, the physical factors most likely come to mind: how you touch each other, the positions you try, and the body parts you focus on. But there's another key contributor that is often overlooked: the words you utter.

"Speaking or hearing erotically charged words stimulates dopamine transmission, which plays a huge role in sexual excitement," explains Ian Kerner, PhD, author of Passionista."They can enhance the emotional and physical intensity of the experience." Sounds great...but what should you say that won't seem ridiculous?

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  1. Women do not want sexual terms thrown at them. They want romance and compliments. There is no quicker way to turn off a woman than to start acting like your performing in a porn movie. Gross.

  2. I think this post is a little distasteful for a news blog....

  3. anonymous 12:37, click on the link and see what magazine it comes from. I know, let's shelter every one and only cater to your wants and needs. Then we'll be that news blog you've always wanted, right?

  4. 12:23 You are sooo right!

  5. LOL-I agree 12:23. Now if husbands could just get that through their heads.....

  6. I allways say, "You're much better than my first three wives".

  7. Men are from Mars----Women are from Venus!! No other word needed !

  8. Alex - It's the difference between having empty immediate gratification sex and making love. Your a sample of the single men available on the Eastern shore.

  9. What a turn on! I love it when my hubby talks dirty to me.

  10. My opinion: When my husband talks dirty to me , it turns me on.

  11. I love it when ny man calls me dirty names in bed with me.

    Love you FRED,


  12. LOL-I think we may have dated in between your second and third marriages, 1:59.

  13. Responding to 12:37 pm-- I tried to click on that link at work and it was blocked for sexual content. Must be something to your statement. Certainly don't want my kids reading something they shouldn't be.

  14. Joe, I enjoyed the article. People need to loosen up(no pun really)!


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