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Friday, September 30, 2011

Today's Survey Question

Do you believe the power of prayer heals?


  1. YES! When you BELIEVE in yourself and you put your trust in prayer. I believe you can overcome anything.

  2. Yes I do. Thoughts are very powerful things when coupled with intention.

  3. I do. Someone needs to pray for Gerald the racist.

  4. Yes, added with FAITH!

  5. Yes, and you must believe as well according to Jesus.
    Remember the sermon about faith to move a Mountain?

  6. Racist - the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others.

    Hum, sounds like a lot of people, and rings of some truth, I mean come on, do you really belive your equal in inteligence with those kids that wear their pants down so far you can see their underwear? Or how about SAT scores or inteligence scores? White people test higher every time against Blacks, is this wrong? Facts are facts, white people are smarter. Am I a recist, you betcha, along with many others but so many, like you are afraid to use their name!

  7. no doubt. on a personal level; i've seen many people healed completely and others that healed much faster because of prayer.

    11:12 is right; there is no need to pray if you don't have faith. Jesus said once we ask forgiveness and ask Jesus to be our Lord and Savior and trust Him for all; we are given "a mustard seed" of faith. then we need to "exercise" that faith to make it grow.

    Jesus took "stripes" (horrible wounds) on his back for our healing. He says by His stripes we were healed.

    even many doctors will pray for you if they are believers.

    and yes; i too have been healed many times.

  8. Gerlad is just the SBY racist. No big deal. His idea is for black people to stay away from white peoples sports. And probably water fountains. If it aint white it aint right is racist Geralds motto.

  9. Can't we all just get alongSeptember 30, 2011 at 11:44 AM

    Gerald your views are very upsetting to me. I wish Joe would ban you. Freedom of speech is important yes but you are very hateful and hurtful.

  10. If you believe what the Bible says, & I definately do----the answer is Yes!

  11. Yes! I've heard of people whose doctors had said they could do nothing more, but the patient was healed. The doctors themselves attributed the miracle to the power of prayer, for they had no other explanation.

  12. May God heal the hate in your heart Gerald.

  13. Anon 12:14... Gerald may or may not be a smart man I am not sure. But from your incoherent nonsense you just posted I am 100% sure that you are not.

  14. 12:14 I see you said "you call each other"

    I am not black. I am white. But thanks for assuming that only black people can be offended by racism. By the way I am also Republican so please avoid calling we a wet pants liberal next.

  15. Why go to the doctor at all, if faith and prayers can heal all wounds.

    Those of you that are saying yes, I bet you have some sort of prescription you take on a daily basis or at least go to the doctor for antibiotics when you get a cold.

    If this is the case then you do not have as much faith as you might think. Be more like the people in Oregon, that never see a doctor and lets see what happens.

  16. If god really cared, you wouldn't have been ill in the first place.

  17. Yeah and Im drinking beers with Gumby to. Religion has done more to hurt mankind then it ever did to help. All the answers are inside of you if you dare to look.

  18. Yes I believe , by the way "go Gerald" these people will never understand that we are all racist or liars.

  19. Anon 2:14, that is sad. Speak for yourself. Those of us who keep the Lord in our hearts and our thoughts would beg to differ.

  20. Yes. Prayer, with a true faith in Christ as your Savior and the Mighty Physican is paramount. That is not to say that we should not also seek medical guidance. God gave us wisdom and to some he gave the knowledge to provide medical assistance when needed. If there is a consist pain/fever, then a visit to the doctor is necessary.

  21. Absolutely,but prayer must be accompanied by faith.

  22. Yes, and no matter what you believe it sure can't hurt. We must keep our faith.

    Some days I may pray for an end of war and racism, sometimes for a particular person. Some days I just pray for humanity as a whole.

  23. Yes! Prayer is very powerful.

  24. Jesus said; as believers we live in the world but we're not of the world. we are set apart as believers. as far as G_d letting us go through bad things; we live in a fallen world. He doesn't say everything will be perfect; He does say that He will be with us "through the water and through the fire". He said He would never leave us or forsake us even until the end of the age.

    to those who chose to live without Him; it must be a rough road for you. many are probably very lonely and unfullfilled, but there is a better way and i pray you find it.

  25. 12:39, I would never suggest that one shouldn't go to doctors. God enables the doctors to do their jobs. He gave them the special ability to heal. Sometimes,though, doctors are baffled by a patient's condition and finally have to say they can do no more. Then God steps in.

  26. To 12:24&12:26pm Your post are evident you did not read the post you commented about and think about what you posted. Go back and read it again and think on the question at the end. If you worked with some of these people as I do and listened to how they talk to one another you would understand the post entirely. It is evident 12:24 you are as ignorant as the post itself. The post was posed as a question and by your response you let your emotions over-ride you brain if you have one. No one called you a wet pants 12:26 you did a pretty good job of claiming that for yourself.

  27. Wow what a great question! I was intrested more in what others had experienced. Not really any examples so here is my experience. When I pray for myself to deal with personal matters I experienced, unexplainable mircles have happened that could not be "just a chance happening". When I have prayed for those with addictions which lead to severe illness I have not ever noted improvement/healing with that person. I have dealt with many who did not change. So that is my experience. I firmly believe in applying the serenity pray to myself. Read it and you will see why.
    Serenity prayer--God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.
    So my point --my willingness is what I believe is what made those miracles happen. I can pray for someone else and if they just dont have a willingness or sanity, all the praying in the world >>> no results. Im just convinced they need to pray for themself. Id like to view a study involving priests as to what they have seen because they must pray a lot for others.

  28. 12:47. I don't believe that for a minute. I was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer last year and never did I ask "why?". Never felt sorry for myself. Never blamed God. God created us and has every right to decide when, where, and how He will call us Home. True believers recognize that God is so overwhelmingly Holy and Powerful that we do not understand a lot of "whys" and "how comes".

    Scripture teaches us these answers will be reveiled to us in Heaven. God, faith, and especially PRAYERs - mine and others for me have helped me endure, survive, and testify to His almighty glory. We serve a "living God" and I am proof of that.

    Trust in the Lord. Who else is there?

  29. Yes, not just because of my faith. Work or volunteer with Hospice. You will experience amazing things.

  30. That and a good dose of antibiotics!

  31. No. Not at all. Pray all you want, God does not heal amputees. If prayer doesn't grow limbs back, it doesn't cure cancer... or affect any other ailment for that matter. Prayer also makes no sense if you think God has a Plan, or is all knowing/powerful etc.


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