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Monday, September 19, 2011

Some Want State House Dome Returned To Multicolor Scheme

Original colors brought to forefront of debate during restoration project

Imagine driving into Annapolis along Rowe Boulevard or sailing into the city's harbor, glancing up toward the tiered State House dome, and seeing that it's colored not in the brick red and Colonial white you've known your entire life, but in lemon gold, muted blue and honey bordering on apricot.

Sound like something from a weird dream? It's not. When George Washington strode inside to resign his commission in 1783, when the Continental Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris there, ending the Revolutionary War, and when the British sailed up the Chesapeake to sack Baltimore in 1814, those were the colors they saw.

1 comment:

  1. We're BROKE and people are worried about a COLOR on a building and want it repainted?
    The more I read here this afternoon, the angrier I'm getting!
    Get a life people! Wake up!


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