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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Reforming The Postal Service

Reforming the Postal Service is becoming a partisan donnybrook. The House subcommittee that oversees USPS operations will hold a markup this afternoon on legislation to help USPS return to solid financial footing. That bill, sponsored by House Republicans Dennis Ross and Darrell Issa, would let USPS end Saturday delivery. However, the agency would not get a refund on overpayments to retiree benefits. Democratic subcommittee members Elijah Cummings and Peter Lynch will introduce their own bill this morning, offering flexibility in operations, but giving money back to the Postal Service. Plus there is a Senate postal reform bill as well as a proposal from the White House.


  1. It's an outdated cash hog.

  2. Let me get this straight , the government pays $400.00 for a $3.00 hammer $200.00 for a $1.00 allen wrench and we trust them to fix the problem with the post office or anything.

  3. The corporations steal money and the government allows it (participates in it) then refers to the instances of it (the stealing) as errors, mistakes, poor judgement, waste, etc.

    They can deny the Corporate Facist Dictatorship simply by saying they are stupid.

    Dubya' said basically that he was stupid. He had to say it. Otherwise he would have to admit he was a criminal. Ditto for Cheney, Rummy, etc

  4. Let me get this straight , corporations charge $400.00 for a $3.00 hammer and $200.00 for a $1.00 allen wrench and we trust them to offer the same services as the post office cheaper???

  5. it would be cheaper to give every household in the country a computer and make internet service free


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